Financial troubles can happen to anyone. Mounting debts, unexpected expenses, or a sudden loss of income may leave you wondering if bankruptcy is the right solution. Deciding to file is not easy, but understanding the signs can help you know when it’s time to consider...
Will declaring bankruptcy affect your spouse?
If you are considering declaring bankruptcy, a reasonable concern is how it will impact your other half. You want the decision to have minimal repercussions on your loved one's future. The effect on your spouse depends on various factors, including state laws, the...
Understanding Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Navigating financial challenges can be overwhelming, but understanding the distinctions between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can shed light on potential solutions. Both chapters offer relief to individuals facing debt-related difficulties, but they operate in...
Benefits of filing for bankruptcy
The bankruptcy you are eligible for depends on your asset values and income. You have to meet certain requirements to be eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you are not eligible for that, you could still file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. While you should not take...
How can you avoid future credit card debt?
Falling into debt is unpleasant, and filing for bankruptcy to get out of it does not feel much better. However, it is a step in the right direction. After filing for bankruptcy, it is important to start forming good financial behaviors and habits to avoid falling back...
Have you heard of debt collector misrepresentation?
When dealing with debt collectors, you may find yourself in some tricky situations. While most debt collectors will approach the situation with integrity, some may still try to cut corners or take illegal actions to get their way. Debt collector misrepresentation is...
What not to do with Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Chapter 7 bankruptcy represents an opportunity for people to start over when their finances and debt have become unmanageable. Despite this, AP News reports that fewer than 1% of American households file for bankruptcy each year, likely due to fears surrounding the...
A brief intro to Chapter 11 bankruptcy for businesses
Those in the U.S. have the option of picking from six chapters of bankruptcy, depending on their circumstances. In general, consumers are most familiar with Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the most commonly filed ones. There is a third kind individuals...
What people qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Because they offer a path toward debt forgiveness, Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings can appeal to many people struggling with the burden of debt. However, in order to qualify for this specific bankruptcy filing, you must pass a test known as the means test. What is the...
What property can you keep in a New Jersey bankruptcy?
When you file for bankruptcy, you can keep certain assets while still qualifying for debt discharge. In New Jersey, you can choose to use either the state or federal property exemptions. If you struggle with mounting debt and live in New Jersey, review the types of...